Well, we’re two weeks into our (at least) nine-week stint doing virtual school. We’re…surviving. Truthfully, it’s not as bad as the spring, and we’ll make it through (and I’m learning a lot of French in the process, haha!).
Right now Cricket’s learning space is in our playroom, and E.V.’s studying in her room. The week prior to school starting, I cleaned up, cleaned out, and added all the cutesy, fun school supplies I could get my hands on. (I mean, I figured if we’re going to be stuck learning at home, we might as well surround ourselves with all the happy things we can…)
As the days go on, the girls have started wandering around a bit with their iPads during class, but as of now I’m trying to make the girls stick as much as they can to their own school spaces — with me running back and forth like a madwoman — playing mom, para pro, butler and translator, haha!