
The Roaring 20s (Valentine’s Day Party)

  • GBBO Garden Party (A 38th Birthday!)

    This weekend I celebrated my 38th birthday with a little dinner party with our small group couples. (We’re QuaranFamilies(TM), so…

  • Yule Log / Buche de Noel

    This is the first year we’ve attempted a traditional yule log, or, considering our francophile family, a buche de noel….

  • Christmas Decor 2020

    When we moved into our house five years ago, we purchased a beautiful artificial Christmas tree — the first one…

  • An Edible Christmas Village

    Trying to find the fun + beauty in this weird holiday season *might* mean purchasing a specialty cupcake pan for…

  • Inaugural Halloween Party!

    In the scariest of years, good ol’2020, it felt more than appropriate to host our inaugural Halloween party. The gist:…