With Valentine’s Day at the end of this week, I’m happy to say that the girls’ classroom valentines are all ready to go! (Last-minute scrambling makes me anxious, haha!)
Since we’re 100% about our newest addition to the family (Birdie!) lately, the girls decided that they wanted to give all of their friends “puppies” on February 14th. (I mean, they *probably* meant real dogs, but a mom’s gotta draw the line somewhere, right?)
We took some quick pictures (in E.V.’s closet of all places, since it just happens to be painted pink) of the girls + Birdie, and I added some doodles using my iPad. If you don’t have an iPad, you could just print out the picture you want to use, let your kids draw on it, and then photocopy it. (We’ve done that before, too, and the girls felt so proud!)
Our plastic puppies are from Amazon, and they were super cheap. (Gah, I love you, Amazon.) They, of course, also have one million other little animals to choose from depending on what your kids are into these days. 😉